Vortex Blowers for Aeration System
Vortex Blowers for Aeration System



Aquasust Vortex Blowers

Vortex blowers are devices used to generate airflow or gas pressure, also known as vortex blowers or vortex fans. They use the kinetic energy of the vortex to convert into pressure energy, rather than relying on traditional impeller or centrifugal force. Vortex blowers typically consist of one or more rotating blades that operate similarly to a turbocharger, generating vortex kinetic energy by introducing gas or air into the rotating blades. The vortex kinetic energy is then converted to the pressure energy of the gas, creating the desired airflow or gas pressure. This design allows the vortex blower to provide high mechanical efficiency and low energy consumption for a variety of industrial and commercial applications requiring gas transport or pressure boosting.

Vortex Blower Performance Parameters

Product Style
single stage single phase aeration ring blower
Model number
CE Certificate、RoHS Certificate、ISO Certificate、TUV Certificate
Rated power
Rated voltage
Rated current
Max airflow
Max vacuum
Max pressure
Sound level

Vortex Blowers  Feature:

1. High efficiency and energy saving: The scroll blower adopts the principle of converting vortex kinetic energy into pressure energy, which has high mechanical efficiency. Compared to traditional rotary vane blowers or centrifugal fans, scroll blowers are generally able to provide the same air volume and pressure with lower energy consumption.

2. Low noise: Due to their simple structure and low rotational speed, scroll blowers produce relatively low noise during operation. This makes scroll blowers particularly suitable for applications requiring low noise environments, such as indoor air handling systems.

3. High reliability: scroll blowers have no lubricants, turbines, gears or other wearing parts, and therefore have a long service life and low maintenance costs. Their simple construction and small number of moving parts also means relatively low failure rates.

4. No Oil Pollution: Scroll blowers do not require lubricating oil to lubricate the rotating parts, so there is no oil pollution problem. This makes scroll blowers particularly suitable for applications with high environmental requirements, such as food processing and medical equipment.

5. Compact size: scroll blowers usually have a compact structure and take up less space. This makes them able to provide sufficient air volume and pressure despite limited space, which makes them more flexible and convenient in design and installation.

Aquasust Vortex Blowers in Aeration System Application

1.Wastewater treatment plant
In the aeration tank of a wastewater treatment plant, the vortex blower ensures that there is enough dissolved oxygen in the system by providing sufficient airflow to promote the degradation of organic matter and ammonia nitrogen, improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment and effluent water quality.

2.Industrial wastewater treatment
In industrial wastewater treatment systems, vortex blowers enhance the aeration effect to ensure that pollutants in the wastewater are fully degraded to meet discharge standards and reduce the impact on the environment.

In aquaculture systems,  vortex blowers improve the aquaculture environment by increasing the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water, promoting the growth of aquatic organisms, and increasing the density and yield of aquaculture.

4. Landscape water
In the aeration system of landscape water bodies,  vortex blowers prevent eutrophication of water bodies by increasing the concentration of dissolved oxygen and keep the water bodies clean and beautiful.

5. Lake and river restoration
In the ecological restoration of lakes and rivers,  vortex blowers promote the recovery of the self-purification ability of the water body and improve water quality and ecological environment by providing sufficient oxygen.
